Pokemon Sun hacked version

I had just watched the announcement that Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon and was super excited when the internet went out. “Mom! I can’t connect to the we-fee!” I yelled in the direction of the kitchen. “well then you better go find it!” she screeched back in parrotish voice that she knew annoyed me. “Fine then I will, I’m going to McDonalds!” I said getting ready to storm out the door when she called out “Get me a 100 piece chicken mcnugget, I have great plans for them.” I shuddered unable to imagine what she was planning. I grabbed my wallet and left carrying my laptop (which was covered in pokemon stickers and a picture of my wifu fluttershy.)
I walked three blocks to the McDonalds when I heard a strange voice come from the dumpster “Hey kid I see you like pokemon.” The dumpster said and the lid started to open revealing a homeless man. “I’m not a kid I’m like 16.” I scoffed starting to walk on. “Wait… wait… wait.” He said and jumped out of the trash “I have some things you might want.” He said and dug in his pocket finally pulling out a 3DS games on the cover it said POKEMON SUN. and had a picture of Espeon glued on. I shrugged “what do you want for it?” I asked hoping he didn’t have the nerve to ask $40.00 for it.” “I um wasn’t expecting you to say yes… give me a Big Mac.” He said. “How about I give you $5.00 and you buy it yourself.” I said and threw the money at him, not wanting to touch his greasy hands. He walked up to me and hugged me slipping the game into my pocket. “Mmm you smell nice.” He said letting go and taking the money ran.
Inside I popped in the cartridge and started playing it all seemed normal except there was no sound. the starters were a miss match of other gen starters but luckily I saw my fave Cyndaquil and chose him. My rival’s name was Moon Moon and we started battling she had a Squirtle. I lost three times before I finally beat her “Oh poo I lost.” She said and ran away. Things went normal from there until I got to the first boss. The music faded out and suddenly something started to start slowly at first. Suddenly a voice said “DAY MAN!” at full volume making my speaker pop. “Ahh!” I screamed and threw my 3DS at the glass panel and it broke. “Hey kid, you can’t throw stuff in here.” the manager said and I ran home giving my mom her mcnuggets.
Mom grabbed the mcnuggets and took them upstairs as i checked the Wifi and it was back on for some reason but the name had been changed to PokemonSlayer69. I gasped in horror who could have done this. My mom didn’t know how to change the wifi name. I spent all day goofing off before i got tired. walking past my mom i saw her scattering the mcnuggets all over their bed. she looked up shocked “This is for your dad, get out of here!” i screamed and ran to my bedroom going to sleep.
I woke up to a bang and a low growl and saw a small shadow at the foot of my bed getting closer. I blinked and there was a pair of glowing black eyes and red cheeks. “PIKACHU.” It screamed in my ear.